Utopia-City will amaze your imagination and let you feel that everything going on is absolutely real. Don"t miss it!
The game is set in the virtual city, Utopia. This is a fictional place, but much of the information you explore is almost real and amazes by its originality.
Utopia City is inhabited by human beings for whom this virtual world has become a drug that they cannot give up - a drug from which there is no way back for any of them. They all live in a virtual paradise, completely oblivious to the danger represented by the digital world around them. To keep trouble swept under the rug there are security guards and destructors in whose task is to defend the city from external intrusion and support life in it. Utopia almost seems to be a kind of animate organism, and at first it is quite loyal to a player. However, if he shows aggression Utopia does its best to try to defend its world.
The player must infiltrate the city and attempt to rescue mankind captured by a menacing mastermind and lost without hope deep in a digital world. The problem is that the Utopia City inhabitants, deluded and desperate, do not want to leave Utopia and will try their best to prevent their own salvation.

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