Monday, 6 December 2010

Lord of Arcana


Mirror 1:

Mirror 2:


Improved to maximize the power of the PSP system, this new version of the game features remastered sound and graphics, optimized controls, and a new movie opening of the visionary director Yukio Takatsu (Persona 3, Persona 4, Yggdra Union). Originally, players can choose between two different characters with two unique perspectives on events.

This new version adds a third character, Princess Yggdra, providing even more play value and shed more light on the game's narrative charm. In addition, this release delves into what was already one of the deepest, most important tutorials of all time, giving players introduction missions full of instructions and tips, so the learning curve the game is easier than ever. 
Dripping with style and originality, Knights in the Nightmare offers an unforgettable experience.


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