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Mirror 2:
A prequel to the RPG fantasy conceived by the famous studio Nihon Falcom, The Legend of Heroes II starts the article with childhood associates Jurio and Chris as they embark on a pilgrimage to five shrines surrounding their village. During their excursion, they discover of the hazards of the Raual Wave that intimidates to decimate everything in its path. Can Jurio and Chris, with the help of their associates, halt the Raual Wave coming from Queen Isabella's castle? Will they find out the persona of the mysterios "Moonlight Witch" who forecast it all?
This game is really the second of the Gagharv Trilogy and the third in the Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes sequence -- its sequel, A Tear of Vermillion, was first conveyed to America for PSP to boot the sequence off (I and II resided in Japan), with the initial Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch following as "part II" to entire the story.
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