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Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together is a bright modern recreation of a 16-year-old game. Oh, of course, not be seen as the child blow Frankenstein map Unreal 3, CryEngine 2, and the snake's face strangely realistic Peace Walker, but that's not the point. Tactics Ogre is sighted where it really counts, making a series of "why did not someone think of this before?" Changes to the formula of the tried and true strategy RPG. Before getting into all things Nitty Gritty, however, let's start with the basics.
If you've ever played an RPG strategy will be more or less ready to cannonball right into the deep end here. Implement a small squad of characters on the battlefield, and everyone becomes short exchange of blows until one says, "Oh, I say, I've had enough, sir. "It's just more like" aaaargghhh [blood gargling sound] "because, you know, swords. The basic mechanics, then, are simple and easy to understand. Choose a square, move it, and make an action. Rinse, repeat.
Make no mistake, though: Let Us Cling Together is pretty grim in terms of challenge and will not hesitate to take the head clean if not in the game. In general, however, is not fair. The AI just going for the jugular when you leave open. In fact, the only instance of the difficulty comes from friendly NPCs artificial hilarious almost suicidal. Even when their ability to complete a tour of their survival level, they will get without fear in the heat of battle, usually resulting in a pincushion NPC equally the sword, arrows, and fire.